logoGill Creek Baptist Church

A Place to Be Revived, Restored and Refreshed.

R.E.L.A.T.E.Reach, Empower, Love, Accept, Teach and Excite TwitterInstaGramFacebook

2116 Cushman Drive

Columbia, SC 29204


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Group Member Agreement

Participant Information Form

Click the "Submit" button when you are finished.


I understand confIdentIalIty Is mandatory In my group and that anythIng saId In the group Is to stay In the group. I understand grIefshare Is not counselIng, but a group led by volunteers. I also understand the volunteers and/or leaders of thIs program have an oblIgatIon to report any dIsclosure of Intent to harm oneself or others to the pastors at [host church], my church, or to any other approprIate agency.